Celebrating National Reunification Month
Despite the myth about all children remaining in foster care for their entire lives, the majority of children successfully reunite with their families.
Families, who at one point weren’t able to safely care for their children, often can do so, but it truly takes a village. A village of judges, attorneys, social workers, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) and family members themselves, for the plan to succeed. All parties need to participate and engage fully in the plan developed by the courts.
Engaging parents in the planning process requires family-centered practices and processes. Child welfare agencies need to assess the family's strengths and need to determine when a child can return home safely. By working with the family, caseworkers examine such variables as whether parents have addressed the safety issues that resulted in out-of-home placement, whether parents and children have received the services outlined in the case plan, whether parents have met other case plan requirements, whether a plan exists to keep children safe once they return home, and more.
The most common outcome for children in foster care is to be returned home and it is critical that practices are in place to ensure the success of reunification. Our passionate CASA Volunteers play a critical role in advocating for services that promote reunification. To learn more about the statistics and value behind reunification, we invite you to check out the following resources: