New CASA volunteers sworn in to advocate for children



Voices for Children is thrilled to announce that 12 new volunteers became Court Appointed Special Advocates on Monday, June 18, 2018. After completing five weeks of a rigorous volunteer training program, they finally took the CASA Volunteer Oath and are on their way to making a difference in the lives of children and youth in foster care.


Voices for Children Executive Director, Steve Moregen, began the ceremony by welcoming and congratulating all volunteers on completing the training. After introducing herself, the Honorable Margaret T. Donnelly of the 21st District Family Court of St. Louis County explained the importance of the input that a CASA Volunteer can provide. She went on to explain that like many other Judges, the best part about having a CASA on a particular case is that they provide an unbiased opinion on what is truly best for a child or youth in foster care. For their service and dedication, Judge Donnelly thanked all of the volunteers for the service they provide on a case and for their difference they make in the life of a child or youth in foster care.


Following remarks from Voices Board Members Sharie McLafferty and Carolyn Copeland Weiss, all volunteers stood and recited the CASA Volunteer Oath led by Judge Donnelly. Each was then invited to the front of the court room to receive their certificate and shake hands with Voices for Children Executive Director, Steve Moergen.

The evening was truly a celebration of the dedication of each volunteer in completing their training and a moment for each volunteer to look toward the future and the impact they would have on children and youth in foster care during their time as a Court Appointed Special Advocate.

If you are interested in finding out more information about how you can become a CASA Volunteer we invite you to our next information session, Wednesday, June 27 from 5:30 – 7. Contact Specialist, Volunteer Engagement, Beth Fultz at or
p  314.615.4594  l  c  314.560.4240   l  f  314.615.0621.

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