Spotlight: Kathy's Fourth Case Closing

Spotlight: Kathy’s Fourth Case Closing

This February we celebrate Kathy Ruggeri as her fourth case closes! Kathy has been a CASA volunteer for twenty years and was a special education teacher. 

Kathy was assigned to the case of fifteen-year-old James (not real name) in March 2021. James has been placed with his maternal aunt and her husband since coming into care in April 2020. James has been diagnosed with autism, which made Kathy’s experience in special education especially relevant to his advocacy.

Mary Anne, Kathy’s supervisor, sings her praises: “Kathy always, always goes above and beyond! If there’s a need for an extra visit, she’ll do it, and she’s good at getting documents for the Children’s Division. She’s really a team player!” Kathy attended James’s Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings and stays in contact with the IEP team to ensure he is receiving everything he needs for a student with an intellectual disability and speech impairment-sound system disorder. Kathy also supported James in his transition from middle school to high school. Mary Anne affirmed, “He requires extra assistance to get from class to class and Kathy made sure his IEP was being followed to a T. Her commitment is a big help.”

Kathy also advocated for James to be involved in Chafee Life Skills classes. While James may never live on his own, these skills are important for his morale and overall well-being. Mary Anne emphasized how special the relationship Kathy was able to form with James. “Kathy had a great relationship with James, who can speak but generally chose not to. It takes a lot to build rapport with him. He talked to her a lot though!”

After four years in state custody, James was reunified with his mother and is doing well. Upon reflection of her advocacy, Kathy stated, “Each case is different, and each child has different needs. These children often suffer so much through their development. It’s wonderful that CASAs often provide insight and skills that foster families have a difficult time obtaining. It has been my pleasure to serve the community over many years.” Thank you, Kathy, for your dedicated service and heartfelt advocacy for James!

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