Spotlight: Judge John Warner

After 30 years as a trial lawyer handling only civil cases and seven months as a Circuit Court judge for the 21st Judicial Circuit, Judge Warner was transferred to the Family/Juvenile Court of St. Louis County. For two years, 2013 and 2014, as a family court judge, he heard the painful stories of neglected and abused children in foster care and gained a deep respect for the professionals involved in each case.

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Celebrating 15 Years of Service!

We are so excited to be celebrating two of our CASA volunteers who recently celebrated 15 years of service! Congratulations to Stephanie Sachs & Carol MacDonald! We are so grateful for your dedicated service to children and youth in care in the St. Louis community.

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CASA Spotlight: Penny Robinson

“I had been in touch with his counselor and had talked to him monthly by phone or via Zoom, but I wanted to meet in-person when I could,” said Penny, who took on the case of the boy in December. “We talked about the steps he was taking and about his options once he finishes his program, he was easy to engage with, even virtually, and he has been receptive to getting the help he needs. We talked about his desire to be someplace safe, which all children should have and which is why we advocate for them.”

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Welcome to New Staff

CASA of St. Louis is pleased to introduce two Supervisors of Case Advocacy and an Operations Manager to the team!

“These talented professionals will provide critical support and advocacy to children in foster care in the St. Louis City and County Circuit Courts,” said Jennifer Howard, Chief Executive Officer of CASA of St. Louis. “The addition of an Operations Manager helps CASA operate even more efficiently with a small staff and a growing caseload.”

The new staff members include Rhonda L. Lingard, Operations Manager, and Taylor Pierce and Brian P. Seltzer, both Case Advocacy Supervisors.

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Foster Care Month 2021

During National Foster Care Month we recognize that as a community we have an obligation to ensure children in care are seen, valued, and have their voices heard. CASA of St. Louis stands in support of not only of the 400+ children served by our program, but for ALL children in foster care. We envision and advocate for a community where all children have the stability, support, and resilience needed to survive and thrive in and beyond foster care.

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CASA Spotlight: Cori Grant

“Despite a crazy work schedule, she has established a bond with the children. She works hard to build a connection with each of them and with the case workers, relatives or other contacts and staffs in the residential homes where they live. Cori takes initiative and seeks guidance. She is tenacious in pushing for problem resolution and is totally dedicated to giving these children opportunities to thrive. Words cannot describe how great she is!”

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