Annual Fundraising



Fundraising events are vital to the work of Voices for Children When you participate in our annual Foster the Future Gala or our Smartpants Trivia Night, you join our team and our efforts to make a difference in the lives of the fostered children and youth in St. Louis. These events provide essential financial support for funds and programs allowing Voices to represent their best interests in court and in the community.

Browse the events below and save our dates. We hope to see you soon!


Friday, august 24 | Doors open at 6pm, Trivia at 7pm

A fun, themed evening including eight rounds of trivia,
a silent auction, a costume contest, and more.


returning november 2018

The holidays can be extremely challenging for the children we serve. Our Annual Giving Tree Toy Drive helps Voices’ Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers bring holiday joy to the more than 600 abused and neglected St. Louis youth in foster care who are currently served by Voices. 


November 27, 2018

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season.


returning december 2018

Following the collection of all toys, Voices holds a special holiday workshop. During that time, CASA volunteers will be able to visit the workshop and select holiday gifts for their CASA child!


returning december 2018

A holiday happy hour celebration. Voices for Children, staff, board, supporters and friends contribute gift cards at the event
for gifts to our children in foster care during the holidays.

Foster the Future Logo CMYK.jpg

Friday, april 26, 2019 | Chase park plaza hotel

Voices’ signature event includes a cocktail reception,
raffles, seated dinner, keynote speaker, entertainment,
and fund-a-need auction.